Filip Arilon
Filip Arilon resides in the city of Veles in the Republic of Macedonia, (a.k.a. North Macedonia). He received a Bachelor of Science in Music and Ethno-Choreology, from the University of "Goïe Delïev", Music Academy – Department of ethno choreology. Filip is is an accomplished player of traditional Macedonian instruments including: gajda, kaval, zurla, tambura, and tapan.
Filip works in the fields of: Ethno-choreology, choreography, ethnology, anthropology, ethnomusicology and history of dance. He is also an excellent player of traditional music instruments, singer of traditional songs, and has expertise in music theory and solfèggio (a music education method used to teach aural skills, pitch and sight-reading of Western music). He is an instructor of Macedonian traditional dances and a project manager for the BALKAN MUSIC CENTER – Macedonia in Veles, where he is also the director of the Children’s Folk Ensemble ("LINO"), and the Dance Club and Orchestra for experienced dancers ("ZORA").
For the State Music High School Centre "Ilija Nikolovski – Luj" (Department for Traditional Dance and Music in Skopje), he is a teacher of Macedonian traditional dances and director of the folklore ensemble that provides musical accompaniment for dance lessons. For many years Filip has given workshops for Macedonian folk dances in: Bulgaria, Serbia, Albania, Greece, Croatia, Poland, Germany, France, Spain, Israel, Japan, and the United States. He is also the ethno-choreologist of the Macedonian, Folk Dance ensemble, "MAKEDONIJA."