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Shadow Dancer Folk Dance Federation of California, South, Inc.

Dance Notes and Videos

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Click a green link!

Don't see dance notes for the one you are looking, check the Syllabi page!

Be sure to check out the Stockton Folk Dance Camp Dance Descriptions page!

For videos of most Scottish Country Dances, please see the Scottish Country Dancing Directory. That site also has Dance Cribs.

Click Abbreviations for the abbreviations used in the dance notes

Dance Finder
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Many of the videos are of dances performed by groups who may have learned the dances second, third, or fourth hand and may not represent the original style and motifs of the primary master teachers. And, the dances don't necessarily match the music or orchestra that you are used to.

Also, the dances on the videos may not be the dances that you have learned but are presented here for entertainment and as a learning experience.

And, yes, there are some minor spelling differences. Mistakes are quite likely in the notes and no guarantees are made as to accuracy.

Should you find a selection that is in error, for instance, the country designation is incorrect, please contact the Webmaster.

The copyright to any music played during these dances remains the original property of the recording labels and artists; no infringement is intended.

The dances presented here are from the collection of Marshall Cates.

Updated February 7, 2017